Hello Everyone!
Good news, the Taplins were at FHE last Monday, which is quite a significant step for them. They haven't been in a long time, since they were offended. that was a miracle! :)
Also, Brother Somers took us and the elders out to Chili's last Monday and guess what? This guy walks up to us, says he's a member of our church from Texas, and throws down $100!!! He bought us dinner. :) So nice! I thought that type of thing happened only in Utah. Oh, the perks of being a missionary... :P
Then transfers happened and I was sad to leave my trainer, my first real Sister Mom! We've had some amazing times together. I'm not going to lie, it's been rough for me because, let's face it, I'm a Woods and I don't like change! :P It was a whirlwind of emotions and challenges for me because all of a sudden I had to drive, remember things, make all the plans, calls and decisions. And introduce Sister Peterson to everyone. She made me do pretty much all the talking. Remembering details, names, places, and leading conversations. Hm, does that sound very much like me? Nope! :P Haha. And because we all of a sudden don't have anyone to teach, it was lots and lots and LOTS of tracting and driving around, without much success. Such a struggle. But hey, it was good for me! If I don't learn patience by the end of my mission I want a refund! :P Seriously.
But on the other hand this week was great. We've been able to work really, really hard and break my personal records in how many people we taught. And she hasn't even been here a week! :) Sharing the Gospel is great! When people will listen to you and you can share your testimony. But when they don't, it gets very discouraging. So on Saturday we were tracting and roaming about all day long, with no success at all. It was horrible! It was finally 8 pm, and I was on the brink of despair, wanting to go home, eat ice cream, curl into a ball and cry, when somehow we pushed forward anyway and tracted a few more doors. We did, and all of a sudden, in about a half hour, we acquired 4 new investigators and met all our rather lofty goals for the day. Miraculous! :) Work is the key to success as a missionary. They tell us that all of the time, that it solves all your problems. Well, I have definitely found that to be true this week! This was my roughest week yet, but these experiences strengthened my faith to persevere. I know that the Lord is merciful. He sees us working hard, and will lead us to those who are prepared! I love missionary work even though it's hard!! There were still tender mercies scattered throughout. One of those is that we got to finally teach Olivia on Friday. Overall, I'm still very happy and glad I'm out here.
Oh, I got offered alcohol for the first time ever yesterday! Go figure that it was on my mission, haha!
My new companion, Sister Peterson, is an awesome,bold, rockstar missionary!! She had 6 baptisms just in her last area, in the last 6 months! She's had 8 overall and she's been a Sister Training Leader for 6 months and has been a trainer twice. Amazing, right? I'm learning lots already and I like her! She has been out over a year and is very sweet and nice. Yep, you guessed it, she's from Utah! Near Morgan. Poor Sister, she already had to give a big talk her first week here. We also have an amazing new elder and district leader, Elder Stewart! Good things are going to be happening in this area soon! He was nice and made us a coat hanger to use to unplug the shower drain. You see, I was all content with taking a rainforest shower. But Sister Peterson was not! You can tell she is super bold because she went where no sister that has lived in our apartment has ever gone before... yep, she unclogged what I'm pretty sure is 5 companionships worth of hair!!!! I was there to provide moral support, uproarious laughter, and make a video. It was NASTY!!!!! It was like the Chamber of Secrets was opened and a gnarly basilisk of grimy hair climbed out! It was neverending nastiness. XD
Well, that's all for this week!
I love you all!
Sister Woods
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