Hello Everyone!
Well, I awoke to a good 5 inches of SNOW this morning! My, what a pleasant surprise! :P It has been raining lots these last few days. In other words, I hope you all are enjoying the sunshine!
I am getting a haircut today so my letter will be more brief. My hair has grown super fast since I've been out here!
Before the spontaneous snowfall the weather was super nice. Nice enough for us to start contacting people outside. In my interview with President Cutler he suggested that we take advantage of these last few weeks of school and go college contacting. Surprisingly, contacting is MUCH more terrifying than tracting! At least you catch their attention when you knock on the door and they can't escape! (unless they shut the door). Anyway, I have MUCH to learn about how to do good contacting. Both Sis. Pearson and I have no experience in that department. (because it's an eternal winter here and people aren't usually outside!)
Interviews with President Cutler was amazing! I wish we could spend all day with him. He had lots of great ideas for us. I wish I could say more, but time is limited! Let's just say, he's my favorite. :) And he was excited I found a cello (though it's missing a string! Argh).
Saturday was Bryan's baptism!!! I only got to teach him for 1 out of the 4 months he's been investigating, but I'm very grateful for the small part I got to play. There was a great turnout. Both sets of his parents and grandparents were there and we all wrote him a nice message and our testimonies on some notecards. There are at least 40 of them and we are making them into a nice book for him. His countenance is shining now, you can tell he feels so happy. And of course we as missionaries are super happy and excited for him!!!
Sis. Pearson and I are very excited for Easter!!!! I hope you all will reflect on the Savior this Sunday. Apparently there is a mormon.org message called "Because of Him" that is worth seeing! :)
I'll be honest, this week we had some tough and trying circumstances! Especially when we went to Almond with Sis. Cousno to visit her daughter and son-in-law (aka the shark tank!!! :o) She is a former member of the church. But they are now super super intense Born Again christians who are adamantely opposed to the Book of Mormon. But, we went to try and talk with them because it was a member referral. Let's just say they were not very nice at all! They raised their voices quite a bit. But Sis. Pearson and I held our ground and handled the situation quite well, all things considered. All we could do is testify and invite them to ask God if the book is true. Yikes!!! I will spare you the details, for it was kind of ugly. But my testimony wasn't negatively affected at all. I still know it's true!! :)
We actually had lots of people show up at church yesterday, which was a cool thing. President Hasler, from the mission presidency was there. We had a missionary fireside last night, which we had a whole bunch of members participate in. They each were assigned a section of the "Missionary Next Door" talk that they had to present on. We are HOPING that that has made them all fired up about member missionary work so they will work with us, the missionaries, to invite their friends and give us people to teach! That would be divine. We will find out, I suppose! We would MUCH prefer a referall to tracting!!!! According to Pres. Hasler we shouldn't need to tract. They should be filling our time with lessons with their friends. But, alas, this is not so. But maybe things will be better soon! :)
Things were hard this week, but I'm certainly learning some good patience lessons. That is the hardest part for me! :) I wish everything would happen right now! Haha. I especially wanted to talk to Abigail this week and it didn't work out... but we will see her this week for sure!
The fireside was super powerful. President Hasler and his wife are amazing member missionaries that have brought over 50 of their friends into the church. Their family had a goal to bring someone new to sacrament meeting with them every week and it worked! They had some great ideas for us missionaries. We have to be super bold with the members and get to know them. We may even have to invite ourselves to dinner, haha.
This is kind of random, but Sis. Pearson and I have developed a mutual back popping arrangement. :P She pops my back, I pop hers. Very awesome after a stressful day. Kimi is jealous!
Also noteworthy is that we had a law of chastity lesson with our 11 year old investigator, Skylor, over the phone! It was funny because we were all uncomfortable with the idea. But it's a requirement for him to get baptized this month on April 26th! :) It turned out okay. He was stuck in the car traveling so I guess he couldn't escape.
We went over to this less active lady's house, Sister Guise. And she LOVES to cook and bake. Seriously, she's amazing. She spends all day cooking for the missionaries (for fun?!) and made us 3 desserts!!!! I chose banana pudding and she sent us home with a lemon cupcake. Phew, I avoided the cheesecake tart. And she made us little easter baskets. :)
That's all for now! Got to go.
Love you all,
Sister Woods.
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